Listen ladies, we have all been there, from a kindergarten experience
I'm a woman and I've been there, more than most with a whole marriage under my belt. But in this particular song Beyonce sings about an "almost had" lover/relationship and I'm sure we all can attest to that.
Whether it was an abusive relationship that we escaped, a bad marriage that almost consumed us and broke our spirits, or a douche who we almost let hit! This song speaks volumes, touches our souls and to some have moved them to tears.
But I wanna focus on the almost! Like I told my little sister, 'take these motherfuckers to the cleaners".
Damn near my whole family is on facebook and one day my status read, "in 2011 we're breaking hearts" my daddy (of all people) commented and said, "and break some wallets to"!!!!!!!!!! If that wasn't the affirmation that I needed! I feel compelled to do a baptist dip and proceed to the nearest pulpit!
My dad has never sugar coated men and what they're after to me and for that I'm grateful. He has helped me to avoid some, but not all, pitfalls. There are men out there that will try you, and your motherfucking sisters! Let's not get it twisted there are some women that go for that shit, you are the women who need your fucking vagina sewn shut!
How can you lay with a man knowing he is the husband/lover/boyfriend of your sister/friend/cousin/mother and walk around as if nothing phases you?!?! I need you to go and play in traffic...
To those of you still left to continue reading, pray God delivers the tortured souls of those women.
I told my sister to take dudes to the cleaners only to say this, LET SOMEONE ELSE DEAL WITH THEIR SHIT! She is far too beautiful, far too talented and has too much of her life ahead of her to let some gangsta boo wannabe try to trap her, tie her down an/or ruin her life! And I'm willing to bet that you are to!
I can preach until Jesus comes, but I'd preaching a long time (or will I hmmm btw). Ladies, KNOW YOU'RE WORTH! Don't settle for Paul cause you don't have the patience to wait for Jamal! Do you, you were fearfully and wonderfully made.
This brings to light a song a Bahamian female artists sings "Look at the footprints in the sand, you think you walk alone but HE's holding your hand!" Man listen, I'm quite sure TaDa did not mean Paul was holding your hand. Do not put your faith in man, they will fail you. I didn't come to condemn, criticize or put anyone on blast (not today any way's).
We as women, myself included if that flew over your head, tend to think that we can "change" him, "upgrade him" when all that happen is he drags us down! Leave that motherfucker alone or so help me God I will walk through your screen and drop a cut-ass like your momma never gave you!
That's way too many screens to walk through so instead I ask that you do this one simple thing (and yes I got this from a movie, and yes this actually does work) Get a piece of paper, draw a line down the middle.One side pro's, on side cons.
One side what he does for you/brings to the table, all the good relevant stuff. The other side the shit dude does wrong. If the good outweighs the bad, stay and make it work. If not do like Keithra's about to do and take his ass to the cleaners! Thing is lady when you drop him off at the cleaners lose the receipt and never go back!
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