You've put in work! I mean 'ninja me ninja', "bitch I'm bussin at em" "COME AT ME BRO" hard, educated, efficient work and its still not good enough.

You've been the damn-near-perfect boyfriend/girlfriend. Always there, supportive, going above and beyond what the complacency and normality of our society has become.

She eating at Ichiban while her friends at Bamboo, he steady got new kicks while his boys in their old lady's old navy flip flops!

You have done and are doing what most of your peers deem as too much! So why is this not good enough?!!?!? You far from average, keeping it fr3sh, not catching feelings for the small things have helped to get your relationship to where it is today.
So why do you feel that there is some inadequacy? Some chip on your shoulder? Something you just can't seem to shake?

I am not one to push religion on people but there is this gospel song that says, 'when you've done all you can, just stand'. IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT! (she really talking bout religion with that picture up there?!!? yip)
He/she can't appreciate you?
Don't hurt your head. I know this is easier said than done, but all things in time boo boo. It won't come overnight but a peace understanding or 'I no-longer-give-a-fuck' attitude will be born and you'll be all the better for it.
You'll have realized that you're far better off for moving on, leaving/abandoning the situation, and working on being a better you and being with someone that deserves you.
If you're not worth the effort for them now, you won't be worth the effort later sweety.

So get a firm fist and tell em like this

You can't explain it better than that!
Why fight for something if you're fighting alone?
Because you see the good in him/her? I bet I slap you!
Don't put yourself through something for a relationship that you're not sure is something of a permanent stature in your life (i.e. if yal ain't married push out).
There is someone better waiting for you! Take time re-evaluate what it is that you want, enjoy being single for a bit. You don't want to take baggage from one relationship into another.

After that feel free to date/love/like flirt! You deserve it!
What someone doesn't appreciate another will revel in and show their appreciation.
To all my working people if you bust your ass, more than the required 9 to 5 or 12 hour shift, however your gig is set up and you go above and beyond the call of duty I applaud you.
If you don't you should try it.

You were passed over for that promotion? Your boss is a total nut job? Rather than developing the mentality that
, try to put a positive spin on it.
You know your value, maybe your talents would be better appreciated somewhere else but in these tough economic times it is my humble advice that you do not leave sure for unsure.

Hone your skills, ask your supervisor for constructive feedback. Maybe their is something that he or she sees that you may have over looked. Do not settle for mediocrity when greatness is where you're destined to be!

Don't ever sell yourself short! Your experience, education, life lessons that can be integrated into the work place is what makes you valuable and uniquely you. Not everyone can see and appreciate that so if moving on is necessary it's understandable. Be innovative in today's world there are thousands of opportunities no matter how big or small out there, join a non-profit organisation and volunteer your spare time. Use your time and talents wisely. People will notice and hey this addition to your resume couldn't hurt.

So all in all be the best you that you can be, strive for better but don't let anyone walk all over you. You deserve the best and greatness awaits you.
If the bitches don't understand then fuck the bitches.
Keep it one hundred.....
You've been the damn-near-perfect boyfriend/girlfriend. Always there, supportive, going above and beyond what the complacency and normality of our society has become.
She eating at Ichiban while her friends at Bamboo, he steady got new kicks while his boys in their old lady's old navy flip flops!
You have done and are doing what most of your peers deem as too much! So why is this not good enough?!!?!? You far from average, keeping it fr3sh, not catching feelings for the small things have helped to get your relationship to where it is today.
So why do you feel that there is some inadequacy? Some chip on your shoulder? Something you just can't seem to shake?
I am not one to push religion on people but there is this gospel song that says, 'when you've done all you can, just stand'. IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT! (she really talking bout religion with that picture up there?!!? yip)
He/she can't appreciate you?
Don't hurt your head. I know this is easier said than done, but all things in time boo boo. It won't come overnight but a peace understanding or 'I no-longer-give-a-fuck' attitude will be born and you'll be all the better for it.
You'll have realized that you're far better off for moving on, leaving/abandoning the situation, and working on being a better you and being with someone that deserves you.
If you're not worth the effort for them now, you won't be worth the effort later sweety.
So get a firm fist and tell em like this
You can't explain it better than that!
Why fight for something if you're fighting alone?
Because you see the good in him/her? I bet I slap you!
Don't put yourself through something for a relationship that you're not sure is something of a permanent stature in your life (i.e. if yal ain't married push out).
There is someone better waiting for you! Take time re-evaluate what it is that you want, enjoy being single for a bit. You don't want to take baggage from one relationship into another.
After that feel free to date/love/like flirt! You deserve it!
What someone doesn't appreciate another will revel in and show their appreciation.
To all my working people if you bust your ass, more than the required 9 to 5 or 12 hour shift, however your gig is set up and you go above and beyond the call of duty I applaud you.
If you don't you should try it.
You were passed over for that promotion? Your boss is a total nut job? Rather than developing the mentality that
You know your value, maybe your talents would be better appreciated somewhere else but in these tough economic times it is my humble advice that you do not leave sure for unsure.
Hone your skills, ask your supervisor for constructive feedback. Maybe their is something that he or she sees that you may have over looked. Do not settle for mediocrity when greatness is where you're destined to be!
Don't ever sell yourself short! Your experience, education, life lessons that can be integrated into the work place is what makes you valuable and uniquely you. Not everyone can see and appreciate that so if moving on is necessary it's understandable. Be innovative in today's world there are thousands of opportunities no matter how big or small out there, join a non-profit organisation and volunteer your spare time. Use your time and talents wisely. People will notice and hey this addition to your resume couldn't hurt.
So all in all be the best you that you can be, strive for better but don't let anyone walk all over you. You deserve the best and greatness awaits you.
If the bitches don't understand then fuck the bitches.
Keep it one hundred.....
Nice read!!!