Let's play a game it's called fill in the blanks.

I am all for maturity but at the end of the day some of us really never grow up.
If anyone isn't relevant in your life and you still take time to acknowledge them, bitch, they are a motherfucking factor.
I've always told people I meet what I like from what I don't like, we all as women sit down and discuss things with 'girlfriends'.
This is where we play that game (that is of course if you don't live in a glass house)
Scenario #1:
You go out with a guy, he takes you by a friend, he's "too tired" to drive home. You have to sleep in the room with him, matter of fact, in the same bed. His friend enters the room and attempts to sleep with you while the guy pretends to be asleep.
You can no longer take it so you in all your rage walk around the corner to another dude you know house. He let's you in, you explain your situation, you have sex.
Wait stop but you went out the other night and he kissed a whole other human being in the front of you.
You finished screwing and all on the door you hear is bam bam bam, the girl he is dating has hopped the fence, you know the girl you called "Spiderman". She's pissed as fuck cause dude hasn't answered her calls and she can quite clearly see his car is home, meanwhile your ass in the house. He's frantic, wanting to spare her feelings and avoid any confrontation, and you're scared because you knew quite well what the deal was. But in your defense you didn't know right away what the situation was.
You are a _______ (fill in the blanks)

Scenario #2:
You've met a guy, and guess what, he flies planes! Omg ikr!
You start talking getting to know each other everything is going great.
You asked for a favor, he obliged, or atleast appeared to. You get where you're going (in your defense you said the conversation was bland, like dude had no life) and all of a sudden he gets a call! He has to go, he can't help you anymore. You and the clothes have to go back home.
You are a ____________ (fill in the blanks)

Scenario #3:
Your friend comes to town, you stay with them in the hotel because the hustle and bustle back and forth is not worth the hassle, cool. Your friend is dating someone, someone she's told that her interests have waded, but never-the-less she's dating them, he is staying with her in this hotel.
She, from what you know and possibly have seen, has been up-front with the young man and told him that she is no longer interested.
Cool, they still have to see each other for the rest of the trip, no worries.
You take a shower and change into comfortable clothes, that's a given. Your friend tells you she feels your choice in clothing is inappropriate, yes she is not interested in the young man but she feels that there is an unspoken line that should never be crossed and your clothing is drawing the young man's attention. You get defensive which is only right, fine.
Your friend is leaving and due to time constraints you have to travel with her and the young man to the airport, no biggie. She gets dropped to the airport, flight is scheduled to leave on time and you have said your good bye's.
An hour later she contacts you and she is made aware that you are still with the afore-mentioned young man. She expresses her concern and you let her know that he said he had errands to run, you can't help it, and clearly she was not made aware that all the buses ain't working so you have no other means of leaving the company of this young man.
You hang up from your friend and you and the young man talk, exchange numbers and proceed to get to know one another, a few weeks later yal fucking. Your friend finds out, deletes you from facebook and cuts all ties to you.
You are a __________ (fill in the blank)

Scenario #4:
You've met through a male friend, a young lady unemployed who's going through a divorce. Yal get cool, your family kicks up a fuss because of reasons known to you, you ask her to stay in her apartment a couple of days. Everything is going smoothly, you are eating on time, running water and a bed to sleep in. Your period comes on and you find yourself having to use her pads, her tampons. Don't worry you replace the tampons so its all good.
You eventually go home, something happens to someone dear to you. Your friends try to comfort you, you're handling it very well. The home you live in becomes crowded so again you ask a favor of the young lady you've just met, she comes through, no fuss. As the proceedings wind down she offers to be there to lend her support but her ride fails her, however you are fully made aware at all times what is going on.
Heck if you back track she was the shoulder you cried on when things got tough.
You eat dinner by her so often and the men you're involved with often times pick you up from her residence. You at one point offer her a ride to a store she plans on walking to, she respectfully declines and you part ways for the time being.
Any who, she talks to you, tells you to put your life in perspective: you need a job to support yourself so you'll never have to rely on a man, if you're going to continue on with these guys make sure the help you with toiletries like lotion, pads, tampons, hair supplies; she admits to you she isn't perfect, she told you her husband cheated on her, she also told you she had the courage to not take the bullshit and asked him to leave but the specifics of such things are a blur to you.
There are things she sees that she doesn't agree with, the meals and interaction slows then stops, she has distanced herself from you. You still interact with her best friend and you make mention of her being a vindictive bitch, something she told you she was when she first met you.
Anyway, long story short things ain't things but that's okay, people change or remain the same and just move somewhere else.
You named specifics about her life but leave out crucial parts, you are a _________ (fill in the blank)

Scenario #5
You're hanging out with people you know on a holiday, you've been waiting all day to eat, but we all know how grill outs are. The people who invited you, you hit on their interest: their family, a big no no. They are informed and decide the best route is a civil one. You've been made aware of certain situations and take to your cell phone to express your frustration but it falls on deaf ears, you delete yourself from the 'group' you were once apart of. You never once denied what was being said, instead you shouted how people were in co hoots against you.
You are a ____________ (fill in the blank)

I could paint numerous scenarios but I was trying to be ORIGINAL.
What you give to the world you can't take back, but what is yours the world can never have.
Females, educate yourselves, I know it's easier said than done but at the end of the day it will be worth it.
FUN FACT: The darkest depths of the ocean is called the Laurentian abyss.
Let's get educated people.
I am all for maturity but at the end of the day some of us really never grow up.
If anyone isn't relevant in your life and you still take time to acknowledge them, bitch, they are a motherfucking factor.
I've always told people I meet what I like from what I don't like, we all as women sit down and discuss things with 'girlfriends'.
This is where we play that game (that is of course if you don't live in a glass house)
Scenario #1:
You go out with a guy, he takes you by a friend, he's "too tired" to drive home. You have to sleep in the room with him, matter of fact, in the same bed. His friend enters the room and attempts to sleep with you while the guy pretends to be asleep.
You can no longer take it so you in all your rage walk around the corner to another dude you know house. He let's you in, you explain your situation, you have sex.
Wait stop but you went out the other night and he kissed a whole other human being in the front of you.
You finished screwing and all on the door you hear is bam bam bam, the girl he is dating has hopped the fence, you know the girl you called "Spiderman". She's pissed as fuck cause dude hasn't answered her calls and she can quite clearly see his car is home, meanwhile your ass in the house. He's frantic, wanting to spare her feelings and avoid any confrontation, and you're scared because you knew quite well what the deal was. But in your defense you didn't know right away what the situation was.
You are a _______ (fill in the blanks)
Scenario #2:
You've met a guy, and guess what, he flies planes! Omg ikr!
You start talking getting to know each other everything is going great.
You asked for a favor, he obliged, or atleast appeared to. You get where you're going (in your defense you said the conversation was bland, like dude had no life) and all of a sudden he gets a call! He has to go, he can't help you anymore. You and the clothes have to go back home.
You are a ____________ (fill in the blanks)
Scenario #3:
Your friend comes to town, you stay with them in the hotel because the hustle and bustle back and forth is not worth the hassle, cool. Your friend is dating someone, someone she's told that her interests have waded, but never-the-less she's dating them, he is staying with her in this hotel.
She, from what you know and possibly have seen, has been up-front with the young man and told him that she is no longer interested.
Cool, they still have to see each other for the rest of the trip, no worries.
You take a shower and change into comfortable clothes, that's a given. Your friend tells you she feels your choice in clothing is inappropriate, yes she is not interested in the young man but she feels that there is an unspoken line that should never be crossed and your clothing is drawing the young man's attention. You get defensive which is only right, fine.
Your friend is leaving and due to time constraints you have to travel with her and the young man to the airport, no biggie. She gets dropped to the airport, flight is scheduled to leave on time and you have said your good bye's.
An hour later she contacts you and she is made aware that you are still with the afore-mentioned young man. She expresses her concern and you let her know that he said he had errands to run, you can't help it, and clearly she was not made aware that all the buses ain't working so you have no other means of leaving the company of this young man.
You hang up from your friend and you and the young man talk, exchange numbers and proceed to get to know one another, a few weeks later yal fucking. Your friend finds out, deletes you from facebook and cuts all ties to you.
You are a __________ (fill in the blank)
Scenario #4:
You've met through a male friend, a young lady unemployed who's going through a divorce. Yal get cool, your family kicks up a fuss because of reasons known to you, you ask her to stay in her apartment a couple of days. Everything is going smoothly, you are eating on time, running water and a bed to sleep in. Your period comes on and you find yourself having to use her pads, her tampons. Don't worry you replace the tampons so its all good.
You eventually go home, something happens to someone dear to you. Your friends try to comfort you, you're handling it very well. The home you live in becomes crowded so again you ask a favor of the young lady you've just met, she comes through, no fuss. As the proceedings wind down she offers to be there to lend her support but her ride fails her, however you are fully made aware at all times what is going on.
Heck if you back track she was the shoulder you cried on when things got tough.
You eat dinner by her so often and the men you're involved with often times pick you up from her residence. You at one point offer her a ride to a store she plans on walking to, she respectfully declines and you part ways for the time being.
Any who, she talks to you, tells you to put your life in perspective: you need a job to support yourself so you'll never have to rely on a man, if you're going to continue on with these guys make sure the help you with toiletries like lotion, pads, tampons, hair supplies; she admits to you she isn't perfect, she told you her husband cheated on her, she also told you she had the courage to not take the bullshit and asked him to leave but the specifics of such things are a blur to you.
There are things she sees that she doesn't agree with, the meals and interaction slows then stops, she has distanced herself from you. You still interact with her best friend and you make mention of her being a vindictive bitch, something she told you she was when she first met you.
Anyway, long story short things ain't things but that's okay, people change or remain the same and just move somewhere else.
You named specifics about her life but leave out crucial parts, you are a _________ (fill in the blank)
Scenario #5
You're hanging out with people you know on a holiday, you've been waiting all day to eat, but we all know how grill outs are. The people who invited you, you hit on their interest: their family, a big no no. They are informed and decide the best route is a civil one. You've been made aware of certain situations and take to your cell phone to express your frustration but it falls on deaf ears, you delete yourself from the 'group' you were once apart of. You never once denied what was being said, instead you shouted how people were in co hoots against you.
You are a ____________ (fill in the blank)
I could paint numerous scenarios but I was trying to be ORIGINAL.
What you give to the world you can't take back, but what is yours the world can never have.
Females, educate yourselves, I know it's easier said than done but at the end of the day it will be worth it.
FUN FACT: The darkest depths of the ocean is called the Laurentian abyss.
Let's get educated people.
You need to find something better to do with your time other than putting people's business on blast. Only in the Bahamas. You people are so idle and have nothing better to do with your time. Grow up.