You are born. You live. You die.
O yeah some other stuff happens in between all of that.

FAILURE TO PLAN IS A PLAN TO FAIL (and no I do not sound like your mummy!)
I cannot put it anymore simply.
Remember when you were young and you wanted to be 6 things and nothing seemed impossible?!?! Yeah, now
remember you grew up and shit got real?!?! Good.
Life is nowhere near as simple as it was when you were growing up.
The days of marbles, and jumping rope, and Thundercats have long since passed us. There is no more relying on
and daddy for your every whim and desire. You may still be the prince/princess but that won't pay your car note,
pay your rent or light bill. Things have certainly changed.
You were once
and now you're on your way to becoming
. Mommy and daddy can only help you along so far, and if you were lucky
they gave you the building blocks for a great future.
Some of us had it a little harder a little tougher, yet still you rise.
But have you asked yourself "where am i going and how do i plan to get there?"
You have to now setup your own building blocks, things that will help you reach your ultimate destination, achieve
your goals and be successful.
Set life goals, short term goals and long term ones and write them down! This makes them more attainable. Its
easier to tweak a plan then to try and
recall every intricate step in its entirety from memory. Its not set in stone but its a good way to put your goals
within reach.
When you've done that make a list of things you need to do to get there, this helps you to better visualize what
needs to be done.
What I'm suggesting is by far one of the easiest things to do. Make the list, write down the steps THEN GET UP
OF YOUR BACKSIDE and make it happen. Put your plan into motion, research that school you wanted to go to.
Find out the requirements of your plan, your goal, and take steps toward making it a reality.
Nothing is going to happen overnight but with diligence and ambition, you will get much further along then looking
for a handout or a hand up.
If it is to be then its up to me
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