So much for happy endings and the fairy-tales we've all dreamed about. Life never quite works itself out the way we planned.
Remember the days when you were a kid and life was so simple? Well those day are long gone and harsh reality sometimes sets in.
To ladies who saw beyond prom and had already begun planning their dream wedding and to guys who for all intents and purposes went along with playing house etc for whatever reason, nothing is the same any-more is it?
Life is a constant change and so it's no one's fault, or is it?
Who should the women who stayed by men thinking that they found forever but found heartache blame?

Who should the dudes that did right by their woman only to get stepped on and stepped over talk to?

Well hopefully no one starts talking to themselves that wouldn't be good.
If you've got the time or you get really angry one day write your ex letter (PLEASE GOD NEVER MAIL IT) purge yourself of any grudges or ill emotion you may have for that individual. You'll sleep a lot better. Need help, well here are some suggestions:
Dear F*c*er,
I've been through with your
The hours, days and nights were never worth wtf you put me through. In all the fucks that I've had to give about you, you were never worth a single on of em. *chuckles* If I knew then what I knew now you wouldn't have been given the first fuck, but you live and you learn.
Stronger, wiser, more inept to my surroundings is what you've made me. The nights I caught your ass in Brooke's bakery while I was supposed to be waiting home on you.
I thought you should know that your head is whack and I stayed because I thought I loved you.
I heard your version of the story from a mutual friend and while I can't expect better of you I applaud your trifling ass for finally making some effort.
Do us all a favor and keep your "swag" to yourself.
__________(Your name here)
Dear What's Your Face,
How's it hanging? Nah I meant your pussy lips girl. You fed me this story about love and devotion but you steady was giving it to Joe.
The many times you said you were just friends with that politician who shall remain nameless was more than enough mud for me to be dragged through. But the mud his wife dragged you through when she came home and caught the two you provides solace for me you skeezing whore.
Trips and jewellery, fine dining and shit, pushing a nucca to commit when any dude could've hit!
Rap songs about your ass, studio time cut,
All for what I thought was for the love of some tired ass cunt.
Well I heard your road is really rocky now, your bills no longer paid,
Called your ass to cuss you out but BTC turned off your post-paid
Ain't that about a bitch
But Cash For Gold is real
Car payments have to make boo-boo
Drop it low girl, drop it drop it low girl
you know the deal
_________(Your name here)
If writing it down makes you feel better (in cases where issues went unresolved) then by all means do that. Just be honest with yourself.
My suggestion to you is if your letter resembles any of those words formed to make phrases and sentences up there then seeking counsel in a physcologist or a physciatrist may not be such a bad idea. Clearly there are too many unresolved issues for you to handle alone.
No one thing is entirely your fault but take time to think, ask yourself if there weren't any warning signs that you were just too jaded to see. It takes two people to make a relationship work and if you never learned to live for you and realised ladies that nothing will "keep" him then sorry to say, you were bound to stub your toe.
Fellas you had no way of knowing is something that I highly doubt but not beating her with someone else's stick (or for that fact beating her at all) is a feat within itself. However, if you met her a ho (you know: that night you and all your boys ran a train on her) then chances are shit just might not have worked itself out.
Ah well, you live and you learn.
Life is a constant change and so it's no one's fault, or is it?
Who should the women who stayed by men thinking that they found forever but found heartache blame?
Who should the dudes that did right by their woman only to get stepped on and stepped over talk to?
Well hopefully no one starts talking to themselves that wouldn't be good.
If you've got the time or you get really angry one day write your ex letter (PLEASE GOD NEVER MAIL IT) purge yourself of any grudges or ill emotion you may have for that individual. You'll sleep a lot better. Need help, well here are some suggestions:
Dear F*c*er,
The hours, days and nights were never worth wtf you put me through. In all the fucks that I've had to give about you, you were never worth a single on of em. *chuckles* If I knew then what I knew now you wouldn't have been given the first fuck, but you live and you learn.
Stronger, wiser, more inept to my surroundings is what you've made me. The nights I caught your ass in Brooke's bakery while I was supposed to be waiting home on you.
I thought you should know that your head is whack and I stayed because I thought I loved you.
I heard your version of the story from a mutual friend and while I can't expect better of you I applaud your trifling ass for finally making some effort.
Do us all a favor and keep your "swag" to yourself.
__________(Your name here)
Dear What's Your Face,
How's it hanging? Nah I meant your pussy lips girl. You fed me this story about love and devotion but you steady was giving it to Joe.
The many times you said you were just friends with that politician who shall remain nameless was more than enough mud for me to be dragged through. But the mud his wife dragged you through when she came home and caught the two you provides solace for me you skeezing whore.
Trips and jewellery, fine dining and shit, pushing a nucca to commit when any dude could've hit!
Rap songs about your ass, studio time cut,
All for what I thought was for the love of some tired ass cunt.
Well I heard your road is really rocky now, your bills no longer paid,
Called your ass to cuss you out but BTC turned off your post-paid
Ain't that about a bitch
But Cash For Gold is real
Car payments have to make boo-boo
Drop it low girl, drop it drop it low girl
you know the deal
_________(Your name here)
If writing it down makes you feel better (in cases where issues went unresolved) then by all means do that. Just be honest with yourself.
My suggestion to you is if your letter resembles any of those words formed to make phrases and sentences up there then seeking counsel in a physcologist or a physciatrist may not be such a bad idea. Clearly there are too many unresolved issues for you to handle alone.
No one thing is entirely your fault but take time to think, ask yourself if there weren't any warning signs that you were just too jaded to see. It takes two people to make a relationship work and if you never learned to live for you and realised ladies that nothing will "keep" him then sorry to say, you were bound to stub your toe.
Fellas you had no way of knowing is something that I highly doubt but not beating her with someone else's stick (or for that fact beating her at all) is a feat within itself. However, if you met her a ho (you know: that night you and all your boys ran a train on her) then chances are shit just might not have worked itself out.
Ah well, you live and you learn.
Dust yourself off, take time to heal to avoid dragging baggage into the next relationship, and keep it one hundred.