

14 September, 2011

Stop Right There

Breathe. Stretch. Shake. Let It Go.

You've FILLED IN THE BLANKS, realized WHEN YOU BEST WAS SIMPLY NOT GOOD ENOUGH,  tried some S&M to spice up your relationship and took some notes on  LIFE: WHAT'S YOUR GAME PLAN. Clearly you forgot that YOU ARE YOUR DRIVING FORCE and STOPPED MINDING YOUR OWN you let some  ATTENTION SEEKING WHORE'S (men with vagina's)sway you and deter you but STOP RIGHT THERE! it's time to get back on track!

TO THE CLEANERS with those pop-down, fall off twiggas. Keep it moving doll and because IF IT'S MEANT TO BE it will be. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE does not equate love boo boo and there are too many fish in the sea for you to be THE OTHER WOMAN (OR MAN) take heed and avoid GOING FOR BROKE: JA RULE STYLE Keep KEEPING IT FRESH and step-step correct hunny! You are no longer a squirrel cause the world is too big for you to only want one nut! A man know's WHEN ENOUGH IS ENOUGH so you should to!

You keep making excuses: I need you to #STOPRIGHTTHERE

You believe those empty words: I need you to #STOPRIGHTTHERE

You steady hating for no reason: I need you to #STOPRIGHTTHERE

Tired of the bullshit - #SAYITWITHYOURCHEST

Tired of being mistreated, misled - #SAYITWITHYOURCHEST

Take action! (not the limbo dancer) Do something about it, speak up, make moves! If you didn't know ask Quelle (, you need to get #ahead its 2011 and we are definitely up!

I have been blessed to meet so many talented people, whether its their play on words, their artistic abilities or just the very essence that is them and the reality is this; the world is getting smaller.
This means the slices of the pie you want are  getting smaller and will eventually diminish if you don't start (if you haven't already) chasing your dreams. Those goals, those ambitions you have/once had can still be attained with perseverance and hard wok! Burn the fuck outta that midnight oil, cry beg and plead if you have to! Nothing is as easy as it seems! Wait!!!!!!!!!!! Correction....most things aren't as easy as they seem!

The jungaliss got ambitions na lord Just ask Kedar (secret lover of jungaliss) so why don't you! With every fiber of your being chase your dreams and goals! If you have to start off small you do that! build up until you can do more. Take those baby steps crawl chile! Let your belly rub the floor til you can stand upright and strut with a pride and swagger that is all your own!

"Nothing comes easy it takes much practice..."- Nas said it best so STEP STEP in your  or  or your  or drag them  and make it happen!

Surround yourself with positive people, uplifting voices and people who will tell you the truth!

Keep it one hundred and expect the same from those around you.

06 September, 2011

Fair-weathered friends

You didn't want to believe it. You gave them the benefit of the doubt but time and time again they have proven themselves to be unworthy of your friendship-fair weathered friends.

They use your car and never put gas in it, borrow your clothes and never return them, put you in a position where you have to endure some unnecessary hardship, problems or concerns. Then they walk around with a sense of entitlement like the things you do as a friend is their birth right!
Before this becomes a tangent, let me say that life is gift and who you choose to share it with is your business. 

On that same token do not let someone walk over you, abuse and mistreat you, take advantage of you, with no reciprocity. If you choose to allow this then you have become the ass and they shall continue to ride you.

Balance can be a beautiful thing. I grew up in Anglican church where I was encouraged to believe in moderation. If you're going to consume alcohol-do it in moderation, going to take bullshit-take it in moderation but by now you've probably passed that point.

The funny thing is I always thought that life was unfair until recently. I had a conversation with someone who's views and opinions I can appreciate and you know what they told me, "life is fair, it's the people that aren't"....
Listen! When that sunk in I wanted to scream that truer words have never been spoken!!! The amount of wrong I have watched, read, heard that humans have done to each other is ridiculous!

Case and point: In high school my music teacher, he was a Jamaican and you'll soon see why that is important, told me to go online and search for those lottery's that grant you green cards. He said when it asked for your nationality to type in Jamaican so I did. Imagine my surprise when I did and it said something to the effect of unavailable, sorry, etc! Man I was like what people profiling based on nationality na!

Injustice is injustice no matter how you pretty that bitch up.
Those fair-weathered friends are doing you a great injustice but it's up to you to decide to continue to take it or to LET THEM GO! People only have the power you give them and it's time to cut the mother-fucking umbilical cord!
Tired of being frustrated? tired of the unnecessary stress? Take one of these and call me next week

You can only do so much, take so much no matter how much of a superhuman you think you are! 
Re-evaluate your friendships, who's been there through the good the bad and the ugly?!??!! If you real recognize real and their looking unfamiliar then cut that bitch/nigga/ bitch nigga loose! 
It was never convenient for you like it was for them. Cut your losses for you feel the need to cut a negro. What goes around comes around and it comes back ten times harder.
Just remember to be more selective, everyone deserves an unbiased chance, but don't be anyone's whipping boy....